what do you think


ok my tank has been doing its thing for a little over a month, its 80 gallons, week one i got two damsels, week two i got an emerald and an arrow crab, week three i got two more emeralds some live rock and now i have a banded shrimp and cleaner wrasse and a feather duster. alls well so far march 5th i pick up my light unite, do you think my tansk ready for corals and anenomes???


Active Member
IMO, no not yet. If your tank is only a little over a month old, its not real stable yet. What are your readings? Also, the wrasse has a very poor captivity record and IMO should be returned. Was your LR that you added cured? What's your current readings? and what lights are you going to house (that will help in your future coral selections and such)?


You sounded like you are running out of time in some ways. Just be a little bit more patient. After you get your lighting, your water may change a bit. Wait for a couple more months I would suggest.