what do you think???


i have a 29 gal, w/d with bio balls, cc, 52#lr, 15 hermits,2 emerals, mushrooms,xeina,poylps,zoos, and 3 fish, 1clown,1green chormis,1 royal gramma(all are small now) i want to add another fish or two which ones would work?
i like: lawnmower blennie
drawf angel
bengili carndals
thanks for help


Any of the fish that you mentioned would go in a 29. How long have you have the fish that you have now in there? How are your nitrate readings? Its very important to not overstock in a reef tank. Its your call, if you think your tnak could handle another fish then you'll prolly be alright. 4 fish in a 29 is not unheard of.. :D