What do you use to mount sps frags?


I've tried krazy glue gel. I hate it. I think I saw a picture where someone was using some type of modeling clay or something. I have large turbo snails and clumsy fat hands. Please help! I can't explain to you how much I want to just sell my whole setup right now!
They all suck IMO. I use super glue gel. I used to used the epoxy but it cost alot more and really isn't that great. If you use epoxy make sure its the fish tank safe otherwise you may wipe out your whole tank.


Active Member
Use the superglue gel. Take the frag out of the water and get a frag plug or a pc. of rock rubble. Dry them both at the point where you want to glue them, put the glue on the frag. place it on the rubble and hold for 30 seconds to a minute. Rinse off in a cup of tank water and place back into the display. Don't worry about having the frag out of the water for up to two minutes.


Active Member
Oh yeah and when you mount SPS branches make sure you lay them down not standing up. This exposes more of the branch and corallites to the light and will increase growth potential.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
I use CorAffix cyanoacrylate adhesive. You can also use epoxy.
wow is that the new blue-green algae adhesive on the market?

Originally Posted by spanko

Oh yeah and when you mount SPS branches make sure you lay them down not standing up. This exposes more of the branch and corallites to the light and will increase growth potential.
this is true, also consider taking bone shears and butterflying (cutting it in half, lengthwise) the stalk so you have twice the maximum potential laid out sideways!