What does blue hippo tangs eat?


My hippo tang only seem to eat sea weed. At one point he ate some brime shrimp, but he stopped. I tried frozen formular one and two with garlic guard and he wouldn't touch it. Any other suggestions?


Why don't you try making some of the homemade recipes with fresh garlic. All my fish including the hippo love homemade far better than store bought frozen. Do a little research on this site & you will find the recipes. I always add a sheet of sea weed to my food when making it. My fish are very fat, sassy & satisfied (as are the other inhabitants).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Wesa
Why don't you try making some of the homemade recipes with fresh garlic. All my fish including the hippo love homemade far better than store bought frozen. Do a little research on this site & you will find the recipes. I always add a sheet of sea weed to my food when making it. My fish are very fat, sassy & satisfied (as are the other inhabitants).
I totally agree with the homemade food thing all my tangs love it and they really need that varied diet that you can get when you make it yourself