What does everybody do for...?


New Member
Since I'm starting out with a new tank, and I want to do everything right, I have a couple more questions. First, thanks for all the help in the past, and I need more direction going forward. What does everybody do to remove/lessen silicates? Other than an RO/DI. Also, the same question for phosphates. Or am I just getting a little to wrapped up in this for a fish only (some inverts) tank??? Thanks for the help.


Kents phosphate sponge in med size filter bag. lasts about 3 months then I dry it in the oven at 400 degrees ( out of the bag)and I can use it again.


Active Member
I use RODI water, I have a refugium with calupera, and I test for phosphates, and use Kents phosphate sponge when needed.


Active Member
I use bottled distilled drinking water and grow caulerpa in my refugiums. The distilled water will be replaced with an RO/DI unit in 6 months.