What does i protein skimmer do again?


i know what it does but whats it do to the inside of the tank? does it do anything like make the water clearer? or anything else?


Active Member
It will make your water clear corals happier and you won't see poo floating around unless one of your fish just took a number 2.


It 'll help get rid of dissolved crap and stuff out of your tank.It's like when you see that dark foam at the beach.


k because i ordered one from my LFS about 3 weeks ago and is supose to be here within the next three days hopefully:jumping: i'm excited


my dad won't let me online. Doesn't trust putting his credit card online.....................really dumb i know places like ---- is safe


there is a creditcard out there tha is like a bank card. you can only spend the amount of money the you put on it. i thisnk discover does it. if you are on a website and are ordering something look for the little masterlock on the lower righthand side of the internet explorer window. that means it is ssl secure website. 99 % of any website you are ordering from has 128 bit incription and that is extreamly extreamly hard to crack. it is like fbi and cia hard to crack. or some dude that lives in his parents basement with about 2 years of spare time hard to crack.


Active Member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
do you guys know how good the Bak Pak skimmer is?

It works really well, just adjust it like the directions say and you'll be ok.


On ---- aot of the times if you send the seller and email.. they will normaly agree to accepting a money order as payment..
I mean if you dont have a Credit card avaliable!