What does it look like when a clown has eggs


I have a big true perc that I have had in my tank for two weeks and it has a long strand with black spots coming out of it. I just think it is a turd, but that would be cool if I was wrong. I bought 2 seperate true percs and they have bonded, but could they reproduce this fast?


they lay darker color eggs and they lay them onto a surface in a carpet fashion.. often on the back wall of an aquarium or on a rock.. and a good clown pair can mate constantly having and their eggs hatch in about 10-15 days.. while it doesn't sound like you have eggs.. it may be possible that they lay some day..
how old do they have to be before they mate??
my maroon goldstripe hang around each other all the time but i don't know if they are having eggs and something is eating it or if they are just too young... they barely have their gold stripes??


while i'm not sure on an exact time or age of mating.. if a G.S. maroon hasn't got his gold stripes yet it's too young..