what does it mean by, diet: meaty


New Member
if on the diet section that says meaty, does that mean to feed them meat? if so, can i feed them beef for lobsters, anemones,etc.


Active Member
Meaty means frozen mysis shrimp,clams,silversides,krill,cyclop-eeze{ a type of daphnia},zooplankton,vitamin enriched brine shrimp.Do not use beef in your tank..ever seen a cow in the ocean?:rolleyes:


Active Member
I dunno if brine shrimp are the best sea horse food, but you can generally get the live from pet stores or you can grow your own from kits. Used to call 'em "sea monkeys" when I was a kid. :D


Active Member
I have seen H.O.T brine kits. Seems like that would kind of tease your fish though...unless you put it in a sump/refuge.


Active Member
beef? lol :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
im sorry, i couldnt resist