what does member status mean?


This is just some classification the board uses. It is generally decided on how many post you have, and the knowledge you appear to possess.


Originally posted by -Shawn-:
<STRONG>This is just some classification the board uses. It is generally decided on how many post you have, and the knowledge you appear to possess.</STRONG>
and sometimes you have people going around posting really stupid things to raise their number of post, so its not the best indicator, but I guess it helps.
Hi there Mad,with the exception of the Sharks Ive found it best to look for people on this board that have The fish or set-up
you already have or that you want. Anyone can post what theyve read in a book that normally describes things in general but its hard to doubt a person that actually has what your talking about in there home. Another tip is to view the recent posts of the source of info. If 40 out of the last 50 posts are in the "Aquarium" kinda tells ya where the priorities are . Good luck. :rolleyes:


Lol art....
You really will get people who just post for the sake of posting. Some answer every single post with a thank you, or just say something to "sound good."
Don't worry about the name that is under someone. It's important to look for the quality in their answer and not "how nice" they seem to be. You will get all kinds of help on this board from all kinds of people. Even a Red Corisse Wrasse has something of quality to say!!! :D


Yeah, I have a Message Board of my own at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and it is based only on posts. It kind of stinks because the number of posts does not tell you anything about the person, just that they post a lot. All this aside, I also do not like the fact that the admin (me in this case) can actually change the number of posts on someone's record... If any Sharks or Administrators see this please tell me the levels.
(EX, on mine I would say:
0-10- Graakk Meat
11-25- Soldier
25-50- Graakk
50-100- Pilot
100-250- General
250+ Grand General
That is what I want, just for this board.)
Warning: do not post links to other BB here. I am not aware that Admin5 has ever changed the posting numbers either.
[ November 03, 2001: Message edited by: BurnNSpy ]