what does member status mean???


Active Member
IMO, nothing, but it means you have posted more or less than others, is all, but as i said......, some seem to post with basically nothing or misinformation and others who have been here a while or in the hobby for some time, post very good info, and stillhave few posts, so don't rely on status for a grade


Active Member
Yeah, definately look at the advise and not the fish ranking, except for sharks, I've posted a lot but it's been a lot of thread where I had qustions and more questions. For a while I felt so dumb I thought I should be demoted to grocery store shrimp!

richard rendos

Active Member
I would say that fish status doesn't mean anything more than the number of posts. There are some people here who post a lot of off topic posts like "which is better coke or pepsi" or "mcdonalds or burger king". Not that I don't enjoy those posts, but that gives them a higher fish status. Doesn't mean they give good advice (or bad). Sharks included from time to time.


everyone's advice should be considered personal opinion, because there aren't many hard facts about this hobby. that's what makes it so interesting. there's more than one way to do everything. i think they should be removed and everyone get to pick either their own titles, or have an avatar pic. would be more personal that way and wouldn't confuse people. would be more fun too (i love pics!) =)


I agree, the title itself means nothing, there are alot of people who answer or remark on subjects, or sometimes will "enter" the topic, or answer more than once, so they get more posts, and thus the rank goes up...IMO, 9 1/2 times out of 10, trust the sharks....the Ladies and Gents know what they are talking about...and if the answer is confusing to you, ask again, they will explain it a different way, thats one of the things I love about this BB..
~Susie ;)


Active Member
Yea, some of the people with high counts got most of them flaming one another like 8 year olds in piontless wastes of server space. And some others artificialy raise theirs posting just to raise their counts.
This hobby is a constant learning experence for everyone from damsels to sharks to those who are called gurus. No one has all the answers, and not all of the right answers are the same.
You really have to learn the BB and the people on it to decide what weight to apply to what they've said. And be as informed as possible. Ranks are not a good indicator of knowlege or experence. Good Luck!