What does reef safe mean?


sinner's girl

What does reef safe mean? Does this mean safe with inverts? Or just safe with corals and such...I don't have a reef, but I do have inverts.


Active Member
Honestly it varies, if you see something that says reef safe generally it means will not eat corals, it should include inverts but doesn't always, be sure to research any animal and find out what it eats in the wild.


Reef Safe : reef safe means any critter that is able to live with corals, inverts, fish peacefuly :happyfish

sinner's girl

I have a 75gl tank, set up since May 2004, untill Aug. 2nd I just had two stars. I currently have no fish. I want a fish or two that will get along with a pair of clowns. I'm not that picky, as long as the fish will eat (I don't want to play games and have a fish starve on me). Colorful would be good. I just don't know what fish will get along with clowns. My last clown killed everyone but another clown and a stripped damsel. (she was an only fish for awhile...)
Must get along with inverts, specificly a serpent star, but I'm also growing attached to our other inverts, crabs, shrimps, stars...
Some fish I like:
Purpleback Pseudochromis
Purple Pseudochromis(can't keep with other Basslets or Dottybacks)
Engineer Goby'
Neon Goby
Sixline Wrasse-tend to jump, so mos likely not, unless I can cover the back of the tank.
Bluehead Wrasse -tend to jump
Midas Blenny
Candy Stripe Cardinal
Pajama Cardinal
I'm open for other fish...


Active Member
Everything you have listed is reef safe, not 100% sure about the engineer goby do they eat the life out of a sandbed?
I LOVE sixline wrasses I had one for years with just a canopy with an open back, no issues, if you are worried you can put something over the back for a couple weeks, the first few days are when they are most likely to jump as they are nervous in a new tank.
Midas blennies are also very cool.
Purple Psuedos, tend to hide a lot, they do not like bright reef lighting.

sinner's girl

I don't have bright lights, just regular ones, currently no lights (the light tried to burn the house down...bad lights! Sinner has to fix them.)
Also, I have cc not ls (the tank came with it....)
Okay, would this work? Though the last three have the same body type, will that matter?
Pair of clowns
Midas Blenny
Purple Pseudochromis
Candy Stripe Cardinal
What order? Assuming I can find them all, too bad I can't add 5 fish at once or I'd get them from here.
Thanks for you help.


Active Member
I would do the pair of clowns first
Then the midas blenny
Then the cardinal
Then the psuedo.
As far as body type, hmmm, I am not sure, they are very different colored fish, and different species so I would say probably not an issue, but one of those things where you won't know until you try.


The Engineer Gobys dont hurt the sandbed they just dig alot and can move your rock if it is not placed firmly into the sandbed.
I love mine thay are a blast to watch dig and move around mine are both about a foot long.


Eng gobies are reef safe, and very peaceful, the do like to dig. mine spits sand every where. its cool though, it kinda looks like an eel. mine started out at 2 inch and now about 6 inch They also change as they get older.
watch out for the pseudo I added one, and it took over 2/3 of a 55 gal tank, and wouldnt let anything else over on its side. I took it back a and got a royal gramma. Same colors , nicer fish.


Active Member
Teresa I think you are thinking of a bi-color pseudo, they are very very aggressive. The purple should not be as aggressive, but I did suggest adding it last just in case.

sinner's girl

Thanks! Now, I just have to find those fish...my lfs doesn't really carry swf...it'smore of a pet store, with a few tanks set up. ***** has some, another place can order whatever I want, but I'm not sure of the price.
Is that too many fish for a 75gl?

sinner's girl

Sinner didn't like the cardinal or the neon goby, so now I'm looking at:
Pair of clowns
Blue Reef Chromis
Midas Blenny
Purple Pseudochromis
Will this work? What order to add them?
Is this too many fish for a 75gl?

Also, does anyone know anything about Spectrum Small Fish Formula or Kent Platinum ChromaXtreme or Coralline Stimulator??
Thanks...(I know, I'm sooo off the orginal topic, but since I'm getting responses on this one...I hate to start a new one and not get any reponses...Thanks)


Active Member
Might I suggest another fish. The Firefish Goby is a colorful fish and very friendly. You can get red and purple.


Active Member
You have a good start for fish for a 75gal and could proabably add more down the road.
I think chromis are a bit boring, unless they are in a large school. Like airforce said, purple firefish are very cool.
I would do,
midas blenny
purple firefish
purple pseudo.
I don't know anything about those products (are the first two food?) but the coralline stimulator I would not add, probably will mess up your Ca, pH and alk. To get coralline going, have tests for Ca, alk, and ph and keep them in the correct levels and coralline will take off.
I don't add anything to my tank that I cannot test for. OTher than water changes.


all those are small fish, you could add a few more small ones in that size tank. the blue chromis do good in odd numbers i have three in my tank, and they always hang out together. I have
2 clowns,
1 royal gramma
1 fire fish
3 chromis
1 bi-color blenny
eng goby
mandrin goby

sinner's girl

Thanks...the problem I'm going to have is getting the fish... I wish I could order all at once and add them. I was thinking of getting the clown locally, then adding the last three at once, but my total isn't high enough, that's why I was asking about the food, but that doesn't count toward live good subtotal. Umm...
I went for the Blue Reef Chromis because it had the same color as the neon goby.
Can I have a goby and a blenny? (I thought they couldn't be mixed....?)
I kept two fish in 55gl, I feel like I'm really pushing trying to have 5-6 in 75...
So ya'll are saying I could have:
midas blenny
3 Blue Reef Chromis
purple pseudo
That's 7 fish. I like to plan for the long term, so those fish at adult size would be okay?


Active Member
Yes your fish list looks great. You are right blennies and gobies may fight as they have similar body types.
All the fish you have picked are small, I don't think any of them will get more than 4" full grown so you are in very good shape. Later on down the road you may want to add a bigger fish like a dwarf angel or something like that.

sinner's girl

Thanks, I've heard angels can be hard to keep, which I why I don't plan on getting one, maybe later, but not for a while. It'll depend on if I'm working, which right now I'm not, so I have lots of time for the tank...