What does this mean?


i went to my LPS and i was getting some new fish and i asked the woman how strong the light was that they above there anemones. She said it was 50 50, what does 50 50 mean and is that enough for an anemone?


No, it's not enough. LFS can do it for 3 reasons.
1) They don't care about the creature
2) They don't pay half what you do for it
3) It is a temporary tank, and hopefully someone will buy it soon!
Unless it's a Condi, I don't think you need much light for them.


Active Member
Unless it's a Condi, I don't think you need much light for them.
What do you mean by that? All anemones need a lot of light. And condies do not need the most.
what does 50 50 mean, and will a condy or a ritteri anemone accept a clown fish
50/50 means the bulb is 50% blue actinic and 50% 10,000k daylight spectrum. In other words, it refers to the color of the bulb. The ritteri will accept clowns, but condies are an iffy. Condy anemones are from the atlantic ocean, and clowns are from the pacific, so they aren't a natural match. Sometimes they will host condies though. Also, it isn't really if the anemone will accept the clown, but more of if the clown would accept the anemone.


I have seen a 50/50 before (can't remember the brand) but they were more light than a NO, and if I remember they might have been VHO. But a condy would live under less light then say a Sebae. I would think of all the "wanted" anemones that a condi has lower light preferrences. HEY, but if I'm wrong...EDIT---I was wrong!!!Not VHO, only 17 W.(NO)
But hiddenicon, let me remind you of something...
YOU'VE BARELY STARTED YOUR CYCLE. It's bad enough that you already have the fish, DON'T start looking for an anemone yet!!!


my cycle is done all my levels are where there supose to be and yes right now i have 5 fish in my tank, mean while i have seen alot of pods and brown aglea has formed


The only 50/50 I have seen is my NO bulbs, so they are not necessarily more light if they are 50/50. In any case, NO bulbs are not adequate lighting for an anemone.


YUP Michelle, you're right, I tried to find the bulbs that I was referring to earlier and they were only 17 watts. OOPS...Not even a condi...


Active Member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
cycle is done

You still should wait a minimum f about 6 months for the water parameters to stabalize. The fact that the cycling is done just means that the beneficial bacteria have been colonized in the tank.
And how many watts and what kind of lighting do you have?


Active Member
Unless it's a Condi, I don't think you need much light for them.

I would think of all the "wanted" anemones that a condi has lower light preferrences.
Umm, you just said the exact opposites. First you said that if it isn't a condy then you won't need much light for it. Then you said that condies need less light than others. Which one do you mean?


Active Member
Condi's need the least amount of light of all. However, clownfish aren't always very likely to adapt to this type of anemone, so if this is why you are getting it, you may want to rethink your choice of host. (I have even seen some condi's hurt the clown that attempted to host in it..)
Secondly, anemones need excellent water conditions, so putting one in your tank right after it has finished cycling is not the best idea. Your water conditions are good now, but they are not like they will be in 6 months. In 6 months to a year (also the recommended time to wait to get your more difficult fish - like angels), the bacteria will be stabilized and have a good control on your water conditions, granted that you keep up on maintenance and do not make any drastic changes or additions to livestock.
Like everyone else is saying, I would wait to get the anemone. The clown does not need it in the tank now, and trust us, if you wait, you will thank us in the long run for the money saved and the fact that your anemone's chances at living are severly greater.


Active Member
viper, i don't understand your confusion. he's saying the same thing in both quotes.
condy's can withstand "lower" lighting levels if you feed them a lot. they still need a considerable amount of lighting to thrive.
50/50 bulbs come in power compact and VHO as well. not sure where you guys are looking, but check out hellolights dot com for an example. i'm running 50/50 VHO's over my 55 right now, 110 watts apiece.
hiddenicon, i'd wait awhile on the anemone, if it were me.
my gold striped maroons hosted a condy i had, i got rid of the anemone because of another common trait for condy's; they move around a lot.


Active Member

Originally posted by gregvabch
viper, i don't understand your confusion. he's saying the same thing in both quotes.

Unless its a condi, I don't think you need much light for them: In other words, if it IS NOT a condi, you don't need much light for them, and if it is then you need a lot of light.
Then the second quote is pretty straight forward, saying that condies have a lower light preference.
One says condies need a lot of light, the other says they don't need much. he may have been mixed up with the "unless" part, I get confused a lot when that word is used too.


Active Member
wow. thanks for explaining. i still read it as saying the same thing. :D when he says "unless", he's referring to condy's not needing much light. unless it's a condy, BECAUSE they don't need much light....


Let me clarify what I was saying. Just because the bulbs are 50/50 does NOT mean they are enough light, it depends on the type of lighting, (vho, pc, etc.). Maybe you should ask the fish lady if they are NO, VHO, or PC, but I would wait on your tank to mature.


Active Member

Originally posted by michelle13
Let me clarify what I was saying. Just because the bulbs are 50/50 does NOT mean they are enough light, it depends on the type of lighting, (vho, pc, etc.). Maybe you should ask the fish lady if they are NO, VHO, or PC, but I would wait on your tank to mature.

If the lights are good enough or not good enough in the LFS, you'd still need adequate lighting in your awuarium though.



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
Umm, you just said the exact opposites. First you said that if it isn't a condy then you won't need much light for it. Then you said that condies need less light than others. Which one do you mean?

I had to get my hubby to interpret what you meant, cause I kept reading it all wrong.
The first quote was "unless it's a condi, you don't need much light for them"
What I'm saying is anemones wont survive unless what you see in those tanks are condi, because they don't need as much light as the others.
Sorry for the confusion!!
***EDIT*** after further review, NO I am NOT sorry for the confusion. I put a comma in that sentence so it is not my fault that there was confusion!!!


Or better yet...
Unless it's a condi BECAUSE you don't need as much light for them".
Yeah, like that!!!