Condi's need the least amount of light of all. However, clownfish aren't always very likely to adapt to this type of anemone, so if this is why you are getting it, you may want to rethink your choice of host. (I have even seen some condi's hurt the clown that attempted to host in it..)
Secondly, anemones need excellent water conditions, so putting one in your tank right after it has finished cycling is not the best idea. Your water conditions are good now, but they are not like they will be in 6 months. In 6 months to a year (also the recommended time to wait to get your more difficult fish - like angels), the bacteria will be stabilized and have a good control on your water conditions, granted that you keep up on maintenance and do not make any drastic changes or additions to livestock.
Like everyone else is saying, I would wait to get the anemone. The clown does not need it in the tank now, and trust us, if you wait, you will thank us in the long run for the money saved and the fact that your anemone's chances at living are severly greater.