what does your clown host

kevin j

I have a maroon clown in my 75 reef he is my fav. fish but I wonder about him sometimes. My clown is host to my black overflow box! Yes my overflow box. He wont leave its side unless its to eat. Then when his stomach is full right back to the black box. He swims under it all day long and at night its behind it.
This has been going on for months now. So what weird things has your clows host?:D


Active Member
My maroon lives in my mushroom, my button polyps, and my xenia. None of them appreciate it, so they all close up once he starts rubbing against the polyps. I doubt he's ever going to take to either of my carpets (one S. Haddoni, one S. Gigantea), and I have no interest (or room) for any other anemones. I'm thinking about trading him into my LFS for two saddleback clowns.


Active Member
My perc hangs out with a green hammer.
My mated pair of australians are hosting with a large patch of hair algea. Go figure.
My mated pair of orange skunk clowns are hostless. Just kinda hangout together over the rocks.
My maroon clown took to a condy I think that's pretty rare.
2 condys were introduced after him and before taking to the bigger one he ate all the tips off of the smaller one.


I have a clown that hosted first to my sea apple "not good" then he moved over to my powerhead. He just stays right beside it.
My clowns are waiting for the circus!!! because I have a BTA, Hairi Msrms, and they dont want to adapt to anything... It's getting me angry is been four months now :mad: (2 percula clowns) . So please, let me know when the Ringling Brothers Circus is in town!!! :D


mine hosts in my huge colt coral that takes up half my tank. took her forever to host in it though. about a year and she never looked at the bubble tip or carpet i had.


I have 2 false percs. The big one hosts a BTA and the little one hosts in a huge candy cane coral.


I have a pair of true percs that host in a LTA, hammer, bubble, red feather mushrooms, a colt coral, ricordia, sun polyps and even the brain coral. they aren't picky. im lucky :)