what eats amphipods?


Active Member
I know there are several fish that will eat copopods, but will any of them eat ampipods? I've got to find a way to cut my amphipod population in half. I was thinking maybe a 6-line?


Active Member
Every once in a while I see my Six-line grab one from the live rock. It must be eating a lot of them b/c I rarely see them in my tank although I have millions of copepods.


Active Member

Originally posted by jacksonpt
what eats amphipods?

I love the little buggers! Just let me know where you are located and a good time to stop over and I will feast on them faster than you can say Dy-No-Mite!!
My mouth is watering just thinking about the little morsels.


Active Member
I normally eat them like sunflower seeds. I pop em in my mouth and de-shell them with my teeth.....a skill that is not held by many I might add. I am quite proud of what I do as far as bug-eatin goes.
There is just something wonderful about the crawling around they do in my belly that I like.