What eats gorgonias?


New Member
I have the purple stick like gorgonia and it has been doing really well, all of a sudden it stopped opening all the way, While looking at it I noticed bite like portions out of the side, and I just bought a reddis stick one with yellow polyps and it looks like it is being stripped in small sections. Mean while my mushrooms have been slowly disappearing(noticiably eaten) I bought a beautiful fuzzy mushroom rock and over night half was eaten. I have a large scarlet reef crab about 1 1/2 in. and I did see him eating the leftovers of one mushroom could it be him? I've had him at least 1 year he's neve touched anything that I know of. The only fish I have are a pixy hawk, yellow tail damsel, clown, algea blennie, and a beta. Please help my corals are disapearing fast. :eek:
Never heard of any of those eating Gorg's. Are you sure these things are being eaten or are they dying from something else and falling apart?


Active Member
A marine betta is a salt water fish. I think that you are thinking of freshwater siamese fighting fish that they sell in little cups.... :) i don't think they would do to well in a marine setup either!!