What eats green long hair algae??


New Member
I need to find a fish that will trim down my green long hair algae in my tank. I have heard that tangs will do this what other fish like to eat the stuff? Thanks for your help


Yes, tangs love the stuff, but it depends on the size of the tank to if you can even support one. I would look at hermit crabs, snails and emerald crabs. They love the stuff and you don't have to worry about overloading you system with those guys.


You might check some blenny's. I was told a lawnmower blenny would, but I don't have the algae, so I can't say for sure. Other's will come, they will help. Sounds like tang heaven, have room for a tang?


i had a 29 gallon tank that was full of the stuff. you could not see the live rock or the gravel. i bought a yellow tang and in 2 weeks all of the algea was gone. i like to call him or her my cow. they are very good at that. gary


New Member
I had the smae problem and my Hubby and I went and picked up a sally light foot crab... not a trace of it left now:) We have to feed the crab now cause he has nothing to eat!!
Marks Girl:jumping:


Active Member
I got rid of my original hair algae with 7 mexican turbo snails and a lawn mower blenny. Now, the blenny still makes sure the live rock is clean of any nuissance algae.