What Eel Should I Get???


I have a 55 gal sw tank that is still going threw the cycle. I want an eel and Its between these...
Green Wolf Eel
Snowflake Eel
Tesselata Eel
Zebra Moray
Mexican Dragon Eel
I know I woiuld like to put a Lion Fish in with it sooner or later. So keep that in mind. I also want an eel that is a meaty eater, and has no problem eating rosly reds or feeder fish.
I've been told the gold feeder fish are ALOT worst to feed to other fish than rosely reds. I heard that the gold feeder fish are nothing but fat and oil and stuff. And that the rosely reds are ALOT better to feed. BUT THEN TODAY I hear the TOTALY oppisit thing. I heard that the gold feeder fish are WAY better to feed to your fish and the rosely reds are really bad to feed your fish???????? what's up with that?


Active Member
Go with either a snowflake, chainlink, or green wolf (not a true eel.) There are some other smaller, more expensive species as well.


You know what, dont feed your eel either. They are both poor nutrition and do nothing to them. Use goldfish only when trying to entertain friends or family- 1 or 2wice every 2-3 months. Your food should be more frozen such as squid, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp for the eel. As the right eel, a viper eel or a snowflake eel would go nicely.


I agree no feeder fish they are like you eating candy for dinner no nutritianal value what so ever sfe or something simliar would be good


Wow, cool looking eel, how big do they get? What do you feed him, how much was he? Where can you get them from? And what part of OH are you from? thanks!


Thx! He's about 12 inches. I feed him fresh shrimp from the seafood counter. I thaw them, peel em, and feed with stick. Actually, I feed all my fish that, so when it smells the shrimp it comes out and chases everything in the tank until it eats. It's a site to see. It makes my girlfriend scream because it locks on some of my fish, but quickly lets go. I got him from a Jack's Aquar and Pets. I had him ordered. It costed me $75. I am not sure the size it can get, but i'm sure it's much bigger than it is now. That's a question for MorayMike...He's the one who gave me the real name for it. Jack's called it something else. I have other pics, i'll post later tonight.


Yea please find out the name of it, I live right by jacks and I can see if they can get it for me. Do you ever feed it feeder fish? Do you know if its a very herty eel? How long have you had it? Thanks!


The name is a Fimbriated Moray...Jack's called it a Yellow-headed eel. Nah, I never feed live food. I don't want to get my fish used to eating that. I have feed ghost shrimp though. I've had it about two months. I don't know too many eels that are not hardy.


When you approach the tank, does he become alert and watch if he's about to be feed or not? What part of OH are you from?


It notices me, but when food is in the tank and my little girl put her hand on the glass, he tries to bite her fingers.


Active Member
Yellow-headed moray is another very common name for a fimbriated. It's actually a more common name. Fimbriatus don't get that large, maybe 24" or so, but thick.


I was so impressed with the pic of a fimbrated that I drove across town to the only fish store in town. With one and got a sunburn while driving in my jeep to get their!!!!!!! He fits in good he is a big boy about 18 inches


New Member
Get a goldentail, very beautiful eel. I just got mine last week and he is doing great. He started eating on the first day. Email me and I will tell you where you could order another one from.