Where are on earth did you get that incorrect piece of info?? Lost all but one??...most of my fish were given away when I moved.
When you had posted it in grimreefers and you mentioned on how surprised you were that the eels survived, or do you not remember it? For I told you in that thread that I am not surprise that they were well.
These were your exact words:
The DME and Whitemouth seem unaffected, for whatever reason.
As well a good number months before you had a huge lost, I remember those things only not the exact dates but what i see that is funny somehow, you think of yourself better then the other average person to where you are not are that successful for as you said, I know you for a good 2.5 years and three the most and I not see to where you have this fabulous success to which one would have very little to no looses for some number of years. Nevertheless, it will come at some time as well to many who gives it the patients it needs.
I can promise you that I am speaking from the heart on the professional level and nothing else.
I did lose SOME fish, over the lengthy period of time
What I find strange there, you mention I think you got yourself a second octopus once, you been quite silence of it for a good while and I wonder is that.
Right now, you are loosing fish as I did in my first few years, and in my following years, I made some major changes in my methods of bio loads and which species in which to house or not house together. I know long term success when I see it and that it is up to each individual person here in how they believe that they could accomplish it.
Always know something fellow marine hobbyists, Always look closely to whom you take any suggestions from and this includes myself as well for no one in this hobby can ever offer you all the answers to every living marine species. For as well a good many never encounter one another in the wild so unless one really understands the type of aggressive behavior of all marine creatures, how can one make the other person a suggestion or two?
For I heard this not to long ago
search other places to help prove that info. I can sometimes search 2 sites or 10...depends on what I'm looking for.
I never stop at 10 or 1000 for I search on and on as well I keep a record to my findings for which at times one can or could collect conflicting info in which on moray species, happens to often.
For as well, I not one or 10 sites in which I do this, I have hundreds of sites to do my studies and to compare to the info and personal knowledge I have on those species. The thing people, researching goes on and on and you will or might find it that you have to go back to few those you had already done. So in this one needs to keep themselves a record to not go over any old info in which you already viewed.
The best thing for all to do, is first gain yourself much patients, and then research your life away and from much to what I seen at most, if you all took your time to think about what you want and not just a tank loaded with fish, you might surprise yourself in just how successful you could become.