what else can be used to cover a tank


Active Member
egg crate might be too big for my eel and he might be able to fit though, i dont want a glass top either since its not that good when it comes to gas exchange.. can anything else be used besides eggcrate or do you think my sfe wont manage to get though a hole. he isnt as small as the ones u see at the store ussually but he still might be able to fit though... any ideas? im about to go to homedepot


Active Member
If you want to make a smaller gauge mesh, you can use egg crate and then attach sheets of the flexible plastic grid (I'm not sure what they call it) that you find in art/craft stores in the yarn department. I think its rug hook backing or needlepoint backing or something like that...but the mesh is only 2-3mm wide and can easily be attached to the larger egg crate with those plastice cable ties sold in the big orange home fix it up store. I have a pic of the stuff in the thread called "girl's gutter guard"


I've made several lids out of eggcrate and screen repair kits (a couple of isles over and only 4.99 for more than enough to do 2 tanks). Cut the eggcrate to fit your tank and wrap/ziptie the screen to it. I have a SFE and theres no way he could get through it. As a matter of fact I have the same type of lid on my octopus tanks (the true Houdini of the ocean). Oh-just make sure you use the Fiberglass kit and NOT the Aluminum one.