What else can I have?


I have a 55 gallon, with 55 pounds of live rock, some inverts, alot of coral, and 2 percs, bicolor blennie, and a dragon goby. Can I have any more fish? :notsure:


Active Member
Probably... it all depends on how well you take care of your tank and how good your filter system is. Can you describe your filtration? How much flow is in your tank? (GPH)

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
Probably... it all depends on how well you take care of your tank and how good your filter system is. Can you describe your filtration? How much flow is in your tank? (GPH)
if hes got "lota" coral its got to be good flow...right? :notsure:


Active Member
u have to know first if your tank can handle the bioload from the fish u have now before adding more fish.what filtration do u have and what are your water perameters


Active Member
When I add fish... I do extensive water testing. If my ammonia starts to rise, for example, then I know my aerobic bacteria system is not strong enough to support the bioload. You could add a fish and then test the water for a few weeks to see if there is a difference in your parameters. If everything stays stable for a few weeks then you know your bio system is good enough to handle the load. Once you notice your levels start to rise, then you know you have exceeded your bio-capacity. Either remove fish or add more LR at that point.
Make sure you do proper maintenance. Letting ditrius build up in your prefilters is a good way to limit what fish you can keep in the tank.