What else to add?


I have a Domino Damsel and a Clarkii, and they just love each other, but I'm thinking of adding one more fish. Should I add another Clarkii, or should I add a 6 line? One more question, How much space does a porcupine puffer need?


Active Member
a puffer is out of the question in a 29. They can get HUGE and they are also not reef safe.
You could get another clarkii, but if you do, make sure that it is smaller (considerably) than the one you have now. Otherwise, they may fight.
I would go with a sixline if thats what you are considering.


Active Member
I agree, definately scratch the puffer.
You have some fiesty fish in there so far. The six-line would be good. Or how about a royal gramma or some kind of dottyback?


I think a six-line or even a four-line (if you can find one) would be great. They stay small and eat worms and such. That sounds good.!.! :D