What Ever Should I Do?


Active Member
I'm trying to figure out what kind of tankmates to give my little baby.
I have a 2 1/2" Porcupine Puffer (Mr. McPuffles). He is really sweet, won't even eat a snail. He's hell on shrimp, though. I don't want to put another carnivorous fish in there with him.
I'm having trouble trying to figure out what would go well. I am thinking about putting my Foxface (Guy) in there with him from my 29 Gallon and making that one a small-fishie tank, now that Guy is growing. He needs more room, definately.
Any suggestions on what else I should put in the 72 Gallon Puffle tank?
Also, any suggestions on my 29 would be welcome as well. I'm thinking about just getting some Chromis.


Active Member
Maybe a Trigger, to go along with Mr. McPuffles?...Blue Throat, Pink Tail, etc. You're eventually gonna have to upgrade tank size anyway, so why not.
In the 29gal, I'd go with something quirky...maybe a Yasha Goby and Pistol Shrimp pair, Banded Possum Wrasse and/or a small Fairy Wrasse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I'm trying to figure out what kind of tankmates to give my little baby.
I have a 2 1/2" Porcupine Puffer (Mr. McPuffles). He is really sweet, won't even eat a snail. He's hell on shrimp, though. I don't want to put another carnivorous fish in there with him.
I'm having trouble trying to figure out what would go well. I am thinking about putting my Foxface (Guy) in there with him from my 29 Gallon and making that one a small-fishie tank, now that Guy is growing. He needs more room, definately.
Any suggestions on what else I should put in the 72 Gallon Puffle tank?
Also, any suggestions on my 29 would be welcome as well. I'm thinking about just getting some Chromis.

You have a foxface named Guy Fox? Thats freakin brilliant!
Glad to see you back here, by the way!!!


Active Member
Haha, thanks, Zim.
My boyfriend came up with the name.
Also, I had already considered a Lion or a Trigger, but above I stated that I didn't want to get another carnivore.
Any other ideas, guys?


Active Member
Been there done that for the Coral Beauty.
Hm... I should consider a Flame Angel. Or a LemonPeel. Two Angel favourites of mine. ^_^
I'll eventually get a yellow tang.