What exactly do I need to breed Clowns?

Sorry to create a new thread, but I want my question fresh for everyone to see.
Im going to my LFS after work today to get everything I need to prepare for the potential arrival of baby clownfish.
I currently have a 5 gal tank with an air pump and a heater (its a bowfront tank). I am planning on buying another tank as soon as I find homes for my bettas and Chinese Algea Eater.
Can someone give me a list of all things I need so I can make a checklist? Like.. the names of the baby foods I need, whatever I need to get the fry tank established, ect ect. I want to buy everything at once so I wont have to keep going back. What do I need to get to establish the tank? Im nervous about that since there will be no sand or rock to establish it..
teach me, oh Mastas of Clowns! :D


Active Member
Clownfishes book by Joyce Wilkerson
Plankton Culture Manual by Hoff and Snell
Small tank to rear the eggs ,2.5 to 5 will work
bigger tank , 10 to 20 for raising the fry
Sponge filters or any internal filter
The cultures as I mentioned in other thread [Rotifers to feed the fry , Phyto to feed the Rotifers] .
air pump and air stone for egg tank
air pump , rigid and soft air line , lights , clear containers [ 2 liter bottles work great] , for you culture station .
Should get you started , sure I`m missing something . The books will also get you going on how everything works , what is needed , and has really good info for rearing clownfish .