what filter do I need?


New Member
Hey Fellow Fish Lovers,
A quick question for a huge topic, What filter to use? I have a 155 gal salt tank, empty right now. I am running a wet/dry filter system right now but want to build a show tank. Ya know...one of those tanks you see when you walk into a store, then drool cause its so awsome...I have talked to a few shop owners and seem to get the run around, though I think its mostly so I will buy something new from the shop. Besides a protein scimmer will a wet/dry be enough? The filter is rated for a tank up to 400 gal, and I have a sand bottom tank so I cant realy use power heads. Any words of wisdom out there for me?


Active Member
You do not need any filter, and if this is going to be a reef I would recommend removing the wet-dry. What do you mean you cannot use powerheads because you have a sand bottom? You could do a closed loop instead of powerheads, that's what I did and it eliminated the need for powerheads..less heat, looks better. Let your LR do the filtration for you, you can run carbon if needed in the sump occasionally. Get a great skimmer, one of the most important pieces of equipment. An attached refugium is also great for nutrient export. And WELCOME!
The wet/dry should be plenty of filtration. If you set up a refugium also then even better. On a tank that size I would skip the power heads and set up a closed loop. That is what I have done on my 110. Wet/dry, refugium coming, skimmer, and closed loop with chiller. That is my plumbing in a nut shell. Is you tank drilled or can it be?


New Member
Thanks guys,
My tank can not be drilled but it has a black back wall so all plumbing is hidden. Thanks for the closed loop thought, I have not had luck with the powerheads, they either suck up the fine sand or the tubes get cloudy and look like ick. I have been told the shop will come out to help move and set up all the live rock but, as I said, most seem to think I need a "new" filter system. I'm sure the finnal bill is their main thought;-)