What filter do you use??


I am trying to figure out what filter to put on my 60 once i get it. I was thinking of the Emperior 400. My tank is going to be a Fo with LS and a couple pounds of LR and then the rest is base rock.
If you guys could please say what filter you use and then Like and dislikes that would be bitchen. Thanx :D


For any tank 125 gallon or less with low stock Emperor 400s rule. I usally will run a Emperor 400 and a Magnum 350 so I can use the micron filter and polish the water. That option is a little more on the expensive side but it works great. I like the use the micron filters on just about all my tanks. I flush them about every week to keep them clean. I hear good things about the Fluvals but the construction seems rather shoddy too me. Cheap plastic and not enough flow.


Polishing the water refers to the filtering process that the micron filters provide for your tank. Usually they don't recommend to run a micron filter in the Magnum for over 48 hours, but that is because they want you to replace it with the activated carbon after conditioning your water with the micron filter. However, as long as you are running your Emperor 400, what reason do you have to change to activated carbon in the Magnum unless you want mega-carbon filtration. Running your micron filter non-stop won't hurt anything so I say WHY NOT! I have noticed considerably less algae blooms and much clearer water with the micron filter running 24/7.


Active Member
A second option would be to get a whisper diatomagic diatom polisher. I have 2 of them and use them whenever I feel a tank needs a good water polishing (like the big Dogfaces tank) it does a heck of a job on its 58 Gal in about a hour leaving the water sparkling clear and removing all the floating nasty's after a water change. I to use mainly Emperors on my tanks both the 280's and the 400's and I love them (I mean really love them). I have had fluvals and Eheims in the past but had nothing but problems with leaks so I no longer use any cannister filtration.
When I say I have 2 you only need one for a tank but I keep one in reserve (plus they were on sale at the time so I bought 2 after seeing what they did to a tank at my lfs- he uses them on his tanks once a week and thinks they are the berries.