what filtration for a 5 gal nano " new"


:notsure: I thought I would never do this, but I took off my shelf a five gal square tank that is made by all glass. I had it for a least 7 yrs empty. I have a 90 gal reef with plenty of extra rock ect. I have all kinds of pumps ect , I was thinking of useing a 300 aqua clear and putting in some bio balls or stuff like that . lighting is another thought.
new fish


the AC 300 would be great. You wouldnt need a powerhead though. as for lighting hit up you local ***** (shameless plug), and look for ESU's Coralife Mini Compact 50/50's there 11.99 each 10 watts each. In a 5 gal tank two would be fine. You could put them into a incandesant hood. I had them on my 5 al bowfront, and it was great. Now I have a 10 gal with them and another 1X55 watt 50/50 PC 75 watts total. Looks super sharp/



Originally posted by BlackHavoc
the AC 300 would be great. You wouldnt need a powerhead though. as for lighting hit up you local ***** (shameless plug), and look for ESU's Coralife Mini Compact 50/50's there 11.99 each 10 watts each. In a 5 gal tank two would be fine. You could put them into a incandesant hood. I had them on my 5 al bowfront, and it was great. Now I have a 10 gal with them and another 1X55 watt 50/50 PC 75 watts total. Looks super sharp/

thanks ? but what do you mean by putting them in a incandesant hood , I thought these are compacts with pin style ends.
thanks again
new fish


Nope these are new to the market. They work like the compact's you buy for your house. They are selfballasted, and have screw in bases. heres the ESU link. http://esuweb.com/cardfile.asp?ItemN...elationship=34 you just have to move the socket to the middle to use 2, The pic I attached show's the position. For the reflector I just used aluminum foil, and hotglue to attach it.


Hey BlackHavoc, did you have to drill a hole to move the light? I have the same hood and it seems like more work than I originally thought. I do want to get that other light in ... also, I'm worried about the lights getting wet. Does this happen with yours?


Yeah I used a dremmel to cut the hole, but a nail and a razor would work. I did get a little condensation on them, but not enough to kill them. If your worried about it, you can get a peice of saran wrap and glue it to the inside. That way its sealed, and you can take it off if a bulb burns out. It only took me about 20 minutes total. Most of the time was spent hollowing out the inside, but I've found out that wasn't needed.