What fish can I add?


I have a 29 g biocube. I have a green madaren dragonet, 2 ocellaris clownfish, and hermit crabs and snails. I actually recently had a midas blenny and woke up today and he is missing. I checked all the rocks even moved them around and am certain he died. I have no idea why though. So I'm wondering in the future what fish i can add. This new years eve will be the 1 year anniversary of my tank. I am also going to be adding corals soon.


Active Member
Figuring out corrals is a matter of opinion. Everyone likes different things. Find out what you like and make sure they will grow good with your lights and flow in your tank. They also have different care levels. Some are easy filter feeders and some you have to spot feed and take more time. Do the research and have fun with it!!