What fish? I need help ASAP


Hi! My tank has been set up for 3 months. 7 weeks ago I had an ick outbreak. I did not quarintine my fish, but I used a reef safe product that finally worked, called Sano. I have not seen ANY signs of ick for 5 weeks, including iching, dots, etc. I believe that it is gone for good. THis may be because I had a distaster Sano overdose, which is another story. ANyways, I have a 24 gallon tank with a small Clownfish and Sixline Wrasse. Now my question is, is it safe to get another fish? I have a choclate chip star, crabs, CBS, snails, 18 lbs of LR. Any suggestions on a fish that is VERY hardy and doesnt get ick often? I would also like one that is out in the open. (my nitrate is 12.5) THanks.


I would like to suggest Banggai Cardinals...they're very peaceful and like to be seen at all times. Get rid of the craps, they're no good :D :D


Active Member
chances are, you are pretty near your limits, depending on the clown that you have
the generla rule of thumb is one inch per five gallons of water(figure size at fishes maturity) and the smallest clown is 3 inches the six line, i believe gets 3 inches as well, if so then you ahve 6 inches(maybe evne more since we do not know whihc species of clown) if you are gonna add another fish, then iwould definitely make it a little guy who would not grow much, liek maybe a gobie of some sort, or a roal gramma
HTH and good luck