what fish should I add?


I have a 75 gallon tank that I have set up. I had a couple of damsels in there but 1 was way too agressive and hurt my other two damsels. I got a clownfish and the yellow tailed damsel came after him. So, I took the damsel back to the lfs. We had the clownfish in the tank about a week and got a yellow tang and they are doing really well. The clownfish likes to chase his reflection and the yellow tang love swimming back and forth across the tank. What other fish would you suggest getting.


Welcome to SWF.com!
Here's a few suggestions for you to pick and choose from:
Bangaii cardinal
Pajama cardinal
A second clownfish of the same type (to form a mated pair)
Clown Goby
Fairy Wrasse
Chalk Basslet
Lawnmower blenny
Firefish (red or purple)
Green Chromis
Dwarf angel (as long as the tank is at least 6 months old and has plenty of live rock)

mr. tuna

Active Member
if you have lots of rockwork and caves, you should decide between a bicolor angel or a flame angel. ( they are both dwarf angels).


one of sabby's choices was the bangaii... and i agree:yes:


Active Member
Before you decide on any of those fish make sure you research them. They are all good choices but may not work out in your tank. For example, the Green Chromis that was suggested does better in schools of odd numbers. ie 5,7,9. Do you want 5 of them? The firefish, another good choice, does better in pairs and they are jumpers. Is you tank covered or open?
Just some thoughts.