What fish should I get?


I have a Naso tang and Yellow tang that have outgrown my 75 gal tank,and I don't know what kind of fish to get to replace them.I'm getting rid of them because they keep nocking my corals over.I already have 2 True percula clownfish,1 Blue Hippo tang,1 Coral Beauty,1 Scooter blennie,1Lawnmower blennie,1 Yellow Watchman gobie,1 six-line wrasse,and 1 Royal Gramma.So,can I get any fish to replace the Naso and Yellow tangs,or should I just keep the ones I have and not get any more?What fish can I get to take the places of the 2 tangs if I should?:help: :notsure: :confused:


I am also wonderingif I could get any more fish for my 37 gal tank.I already have 1 Tomatoe clown,1Six-line wrasse, 1 diamond gobie,and 2 firefish gobies.Can I get any more fish,and if I can,what kind should I get?:notsure:


your hippo will need to go soon, as it will need 100+ to do well long term.
after he moves out, then look for something new.
keep water clear and enjoy your fish.


for your 37 gallon, what about a buddy for your tomato clown? i like to see clowns paired up:D
although look for a small one, as yours is probably already female


I was just making sure if I could get any more or not,I didn't think I could.So,I won't get any more fish for my 75 gal.I was kinda wanting to get aanother tomatoe clown anyway,so now I probably will.Thanks for your help.