What fish should i get.


I was wondering what are some fish people would recomend to add to my tank. I have a 92gal corner tank .I currently have:
Naso tang
Purple tang
Kole tang
racoon butterfly
Flame angel
I dont have any corals in my tank so im not worried about fish that will eat coral.
Thank you


Active Member
flame angel or maybe the racoon since ur tank is way to small for tangs. btw this is more for fish discussion than fish photography


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sherms
the fish i listed is fish i have.
:scared: get a big tank now! dont add anything


the fish that i currently have, i have had for over 6 months and have never a single problem with them.


Active Member
6 months. Just wait till they get stressed of no room. Deffinitly dont add anything. I would take the tangs back. Immediatly!!


Active Member
im sry, it seems evry1 is kinda flaming w/o telling u whats wrong, those tangs need 6ft of swimming room, something a corner tank cannt provide

30-xtra high

Active Member
i think the purple would be fine, and the kole will be fine for sure.. but the naso definatly needs to go.. and you have to look at it this way.. yes they have been fine.. cause they are small.. when they are big.. they won't be fine.. if you get rid of the naso, and don't get anymore fish i think it should be fine..


Active Member
yeah, you need at least a 6 foot long tank, like stated. tangs are very active fish and they need room to swim. They may be fine at young ages, but when they become bigger they will need a longer tank.


So is the necessary 6ft of length for swimming an acutual statement that was made in a marine book or is it just someone on here that has decided that 6ft is what they have to have in order to live. I have read and hear and also know a peron that have 55gal or 75 gal and have had tangs for years. The only thing that i have understood whether it be right or not i dont know, is that they may not grow as mush because there is not enough space. not that if they dont have 6ft to swim in they will not live.


Active Member
Your stock of large fish is pretty high. If you do decide to get anything I'd get something small, maybe a pair of clowns or something (percula).


as far as i have know and seen (i think) is that if they are in a smaller tank that sometimes that they will not grow. now from what i understand is that is only possible for some fish, others may grow just as normal. but then again i really dont know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sherms
as far as i have know and seen (i think) is that if they are in a smaller tank that sometimes that they will not grow. now from what i understand is that is only possible for some fish, others may grow just as normal. but then again i really dont know.
Some people in certain threads have mentioned that a tang can get ich from being in a tank smaller than XX gallons and they never really state why. I personally don't know enough biology to believe one way or another if that's even true, but it would be nice to hear it from a real expert. If anyone on here can explain, without flaming, I would appreciate it, and I'm sure Sherms here would too. Thanks!