what fish should i get


i have a snowflake moray in a 37 FOWLR. It is still pretty small and eating well. I was just wondering what type of fish there is so that i could get with it in the snow flake. I just want to find something thats cheaper (preferably under $40)


there are so many fish out there its hard to recomend just one. check out some websites that sell fish and try to see what types of fish interest you. the most important thing is that you dont buy fish that will outgrow your tank too quickly. groupers, triggers,puffers,tangs and angels will get too big too fast for your tank. the problem with the eel is that you now have to get a fish that is big enough so it wont end up being an expensive snack. a dwark lionfish or maybe some type of wrasse would be a good choice.


so could i possibly fit some type of dwarf anger like a lemon peel or a coris, dragon or twinspot coris wrasse with the moray in a 37 gallon. I dont know if this matters but the equiptment i have is: aquaclear500 filter, 150 watt ebo jageer heater, 35lbs crushed coral, probably 20-30lbs of live rock and typical fluroescent lighting.