what fish should I put in my 75n gal tank


New Member
My tank is 2 yrs old and I would like to add more fish. I have 2 black and gold clownfish and a yellow watchman goby. I do not want to add tangs had 2 that died.
I like coral beauty, bi color blennie, pajama cardinal, six line wrasse and yellow wrasse.
Would any of those and how many would work?


Active Member
Choose one wrasse, and you could realisitcally add the fish on your list. The pj cards are nice in a small group. There shouldn't be major compatability issues, but keep in mind that sixlines can be nasty with smaller fish added after them. I'd go with the yellow wrasse, and add it last.


I also like the coral beauty and yellow wrasse, but wanted to make a different suggestion. I recently added a midas blenny and it is an awesome fish. Really unique swimming motion and more active than i thought he was going to be.


Originally Posted by hector123
My tank is 2 yrs old and I would like to add more fish. I have 2 black and gold clownfish and a yellow watchman goby. I do not want to add tangs had 2 that died.
I like coral beauty, bi color blennie, pajama cardinal, six line wrasse and yellow wrasse.
Would any of those and how many would work?
PJ cardinals and blennies are very hardy. It took me 2 tries to get a coral beauty to make it. the PJ cardinals i think do better in groups, ive got 1 big one next paycheck im going to get 2 or 3 more if the store still has them. The six lines i believe are hit and miss as well. Yellow wrasse i dont know about...i find i have better luck the longer something is at the store...One LFS here puts dates on cards under the tanks so you know how long they have been there...


I have added several small fish after adding my 6 line wrasse and he has not bothered them at all. So it may depend on the personality of the fish. Mine is very peaceful. And he's one of my favorites!


I really like six lines, but they can be very territorial. If you are going to add one, it's best if they are the last addition. Of course, there are a few mellow ones out there, but I think more often than not they tend to be territorial.


If you like gobies, the fire goby is absolutely gorgeous and will get along well with what you have. Very peaceful and stays in the middle level of the tank. We had one of those and a few clown gobies. Can you tell I am a goby fan?? The clowns are nice surprises because they are bold for their size. great color choices and hide in small crevices. When they come out, its fun to watch...


Also, as an alternative to the PJ Cardinals, the Banggai cardinals are very interesting looking fish as well. Just be sure to buy tank raised specimens because wild caught have very poor survival rates. I bought two tank raised Banggai's from this site and am very happy with them.