what fish to add?


I have a 44 Gal. pentagon. I has been set up for over a year and all test levels are were they are supposed to be. I do my water changes regular. Over the weekend I purchased a protien skimmer. I currently have a Blue Hippo Tang, approx 2 1/4 inches, a pec clown, approx 1 1/2 inches, one blue damsel, approx 1 1/2 inches. I am willing to donate the damsel back to the fish store. I would like to add maybe two fish. I have tried adding, over the past year, a Coral Beauty, a Bi-Color, and a Pearl Scale. None of which have made it over a month. I have read any info I can get my hands on until Im blue in the face and still cant decide what to add. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance

sinner's girl

pentagon's are tall rather then long right?
Since you asked, I would not add any more fish...tangs like to swim around...and since you have him in a small tank to start with I wouldn't crowd him.
If the tang wasn't in there I'd add another perc, and a 6-line, but those are the fish I like. What fish do you like?


Thanks. Yes the pentagon is deep. Of coarse all of the fish I like are the ones I cant put in there. Larger angels especially the emperor, butterflies, tangs etc. But I am up for just about anything at this point.