what fish will work in my tank


Hey quick question. I've heard conflicting reports as to whether damsels, clownfish, puffers, and hawkfish will co-exist in the same tank peacefully. http://www.***********.com/general/c...lity_chart.cfm that site says that they can but it also says that puffers and lionfish can coexist np, which as many of you know can actually be a pretty tricky situation. I REALLY want a dogface puffer, whether its black, striped, or spotted im not sure yet. I'm about to get a 75 gal tank setup for $100 from my sisters bf. Lemme know what you think.
Thanks alot,


it dempends what type of clown fish you get. if you get one of the small clown fish thiers a good chance that it might get eaten.
also i think a dog face is going to be to big for for a 75g. which i believe is only 4ft long and 15in wide. ive seen them get big before. but you can try another type of puffer like one from the sharpnose family.
beside the hawk fish i plan to have the same fish in my tank just dont have the puffer yet. im getting a valentini and that should work fine for your tank if you plan to go with that fish.


i was thinkin about the percula clown about 2-3in(mainly because my gf LOVES finding nemo... LOL) i know the dogface would get big later but im also planning on getting a bigger tank once that happens so as long as i can get one thats only 2-3 inches long the 75 gal should work fine until i can get the bigger tank. I was thinking about the valentini but i REALLY like the dogface. Im just trying to decide between the black and striped atm... would the valentini and the dogface get along? I'm pretty sure they won't but i was jw
P.S. i was also wondering about possibly putting a regal tang in there (also known as Dory from finding nemo


i would still be a little worried about the dog face eating the clowns but it might work if you get a baby dog face which sounds like you where planning on that.
if you do upgrade its sounds ok to keep the dogface in thier.
and the the dog face would kill the valentini in less you got like a huge tank so i wouldnt do that.
now i would add the puffer last out of all the fish to cut down on the chance of fish being eaten. i would do the clown fish first then then the hawk or damsel then the puffer you could add some more fish maybe one or two. if you want.


well ya i was planning on getting a baby puffer, and i know about adding him last. But it also depends on if i can find a black puffer. If i can find one of thsoe for a reasonable price then im gonna jump on it. BUT i also have a 20 gal saltwater tank already set up so if i wanted to i could put hte dogface in there until i get the 75 gal setup with the damsels and clowns and everything else i wanted. Because a small dogface can live in a 20 gal for a little while before it outgrows it... or atleast it should


if you can avoid putting the dog face in the 20g i would. dont worry about finding one just go to your lfs and ask them to get one for you when your ready for it. they should get it for you but ive seen some around and they have been like $200 for a nice sized one.


New Member
All your fish IMO will be unhappy. The tang and the puffer because they don't have enough room and the clowns because the puffer will try and kill them.


when did you say something about getting a tang?
the lfs that i work at has a striped dog face and the other one around here had a black dog face along with a golden puffer and a spoted puffer.
i was worried about the clown but then again each puffer is different. people on here have porcuppine puffers in reefs with no problem and thier not really supose to be reef safe . so he could get one that nice and want try to eat his clowns. if he feeds the puf enough the chance should go down of the puf eating the clowns


well like i said a 75 gal tang to start out with baby puffer and baby tang... then im going to upgrade to a 150 or 200 ATLEAST once htey get big enough. So they should have enough space. And like Puffer9006 said some puffers wont try to eat the clowns it depends on their personality. btw. what does IMO mean?


soo the general consenses here is that as long as i get a BABY dogface and a slightly larger clown and damsels then i should be fine until i can get the bigger 150-200 gal?


Active Member
IMO means in my opinion. And in my opinion you should never get a fish "with plans to upgrade later". Life happens and sometimes not like we plan, and then you have fish in the wrong size tank. If you still get the puffer, please research their care. Puffers need hard shelled food items on a constant basis to keep their beak from overgrowing. Clams, cockle, mussels, etc. They are also very messy eaters, so to keep water quality high you are going to need an appropriate size skimmer and a sump. Hippo tangs are very prone to ich, and so are puffers.A QT tank will help to insure they are disease free before placing in the display. Meds cannot be used on puffers, as they have no scales. I would'nt keep any small fish with a dogface...you won't know if he will eat them until he does.


well i know all about puffer care and maintanence.. What i dont know is what is a sump? in hte 75 gal ill only have teh clowns puffer and MAYBE a couple damsels...


a sump is a seperate tank or cantiner under your tank. you put your skimmer and filter and maybe some live rock in it. it so you have more water that flows through the tank and it hide the the eye sores of the equipment.


lol man i thought it was going to be some real expensive equipment or something... well the 75 gal has a canopy and wooden stand and all that with cabinets under teh tank itself... soo ill have plenty of room to have it


there are 5 damsals and a clown fish in my tank the clown is the biggest but not by much. and i ve had a striped damsal for about a year and added the clown recently. the damsal although beleived to be a teritoral and aggresive fish didnt even touch the clown once and niether did any other fish so i know those can live peice fully


ya im not worried about the clown/damsel mix. I'm more worried about the dogface and the longnose hawkfish. I talked to a guy at my LFS who i trust as far as fish go, and he said that most likely the puffer would eat the hawkfish because hte hawkfish mainly stays in one spot and is easy to catch.


If you want the dogface that badly, I'd find a bigger tank (at least a 125 gallon). Otherwise, I'd go with a Canthigaster valentini. Just as cool looking, but not quite the threat that a dogface puffer would be because it stays smaller in size. If you were to stick a hawkfish with a puffer, you could do it as long as the hawkfish was in the genus Paracirrhites or Amblycirrhites (i.e.-something like a Forster's or Blood Red Hawkfish, which are larger and semiaggressive in their own right) instead of the Long-nosed. If you want to stick with a 75 gallon set-up, I'd go with Blue Devil Damsels or one of the many members in the genus Pomacentrus (such as coelestis, pavo, and alleni, among others) which are highly colorful and aggressive enough to fend for themselves, but not big enough to do a whole lot of damage, a pair of Clark's Clownfish (or also a Percula, Ocellaris, or Cinnamon), any one of the puffers in the genus Canthigaster (i.e.-valentini, solandri, etc.), and to add a flash of color and more brazen behavior, I'd go with the flame hawkfish instead of the long-nosed. Both are hardy, but the flame is both less secretive and more colorful than the long-nosed. If you want to upgrade size to a 125 gallon or larger and go to a more aggressive community with the same families of fish, I'd recommend the more aggressive damsels (i.e.-those in the genera Abudefduf and Neoglyphidodon and Dascyllus trimaculatus-AKA the three-spot domino damsel, among others), a pair of Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus), one of the larger and more aggressive hawks, like the aforementioned Blood Red and Forster's Hawfishes, and your Dogface Puffer (Arothron nigropunctatus). It's a good thing that you only want the Dogface. Any other Arothron, and you'd have to have a very large tank to support an even more aggressive fish-only community. The bottom line to a question like this is simple: what do you want to accomplish with your tank? You have to prioritize what you want if some of your objectives conflict. Do you want the dogface puffer more, or do you want to keep your size tank without the added expense of upgrading to a bigger size more? Simply put, you can have similar types of communities with each size tank, but the 75 gallon can only accomodate certain species of fish in such a type of community because of size constraints and concerns over aggression due to space constraints. If you want the dogface more, you need to upgrade your tank size and choose tankmates that have a corresponding increase in both size and aggression. If I were you, I'd stick with your 75 gallon setup with less expense, and go with the community that could fit with it, but then again, that's just me. The point is that you want to research your options, and the fact that you appear to be doing that is a good thing. Oh...notice that I said nothing about the tang. There's a reason for that. Hippo tangs prefer to be kept in groups of 3 or more if at all possible. Three tangs alone would fully stock your 75 gallon tank. Furthermore, your dogface puffer would do a number on hippo tangs if you wanted to upgrade sizewise, and the hawks I mentioned for that size tank might also do unspeakable things to hippo tangs. If you were to add a tang to those types of communities, you'd want to upgrade to at least 150 gallons and add one of the more aggressive types of tangs, such as Zebrasoma veliferum, desjardini, or xanthurum (the Sailfin, Red Sea Sailfin, or Purple Tangs, respectively) for the more aggressive community, or stick the group of hippo tangs in with the bunch that I suggested for your 75 gallon community in a 150 gallon tank. Hope this helps.