what fish won't I kill?


I have once again killed a tang. Frustrated as all heck, but in thinking it over, I'm so far into this, I might as well keep trying.
I would like a really pretty, but peaceful fish, as well as hardy.
I have a 55 gallon with live rock,
a blue damsel
two clowns
a hawaiin puffer
mandarin goby
lawn mower blenny
any suggestions?
Thank you.


your tank is too small for a tang anyways.
how about a flame or longnose hawkfish-they are great, but you can't have any inverts in your tank.
firefish are very peaceful, but shy
bangaii cardinals are great as well-one of my favorites-they carry their eggs in their mouths until they are ready to hatch:):):)

the claw

Active Member
Firefish and bangiaa are pretty good suggestions, along with the hawkfish if you don't mind being hermitless. You will probably starve to death your mandarin shortly, so bear that in mind. If you are into it, you may be able to use it as credit at a fish store for a more suitable fish. Problem with getting a firefish is going to be with your established damsels. At this point they aren't going to be very nice. One fish that is gorgeous and will be able to fend off any stuff the damsels will put out is a Royal Gramma. Other suggestions for a tuff fish would be any of the dottybacks. THey are all gorgeous and will fit well into that size of tank with those roomates. One per tank please.


great suggestions from the claw. I would get the damsels out of there personally. they are evil little buggers


TO THE CLAW: that was pretty rude, but just for your information, my mandarin is eating mysis and blood worms quite well.
Adding live brine next.
Thanks for suggestions, no thanks for rudeness


Active Member
tank raised clowns
fire fish - purple & orange
royal gramma
cardinal fish
yellow coris aka yellow wrasse
blue reef chromis
and a good angel that is pretty easy is the eibli angel


Active Member

Originally posted by The Claw
Firefish and bangiaa are pretty good suggestions, along with the hawkfish if you don't mind being hermitless. You will probably starve to death your mandarin shortly, so bear that in mind. If you are into it, you may be able to use it as credit at a fish store for a more suitable fish. Problem with getting a firefish is going to be with your established damsels. At this point they aren't going to be very nice. One fish that is gorgeous and will be able to fend off any stuff the damsels will put out is a Royal Gramma. Other suggestions for a tuff fish would be any of the dottybacks. THey are all gorgeous and will fit well into that size of tank with those roomates. One per tank please.

I agree! :)


Well I agree with the Claw too, but given your later information perhaps the situation is not that extreme. However that is the situation in 95% of most cases. I would ditch the damsels as well or if you want to keep them get a fish that can hold its own against them like maybe a Pygmy Angelfish or a Cherub Angel.


if it were me i would get a small angel, something like a flame angel. they will be able to put up with the damsels. i would stay away from fire fish but i have a biased opinion because everytime i get a fire fish they end up jumping out of the small crack between the filter and the hood in the back. you could also try a dwarf lion. mine has great personality and doesn't bother any of my inverts. he is about 4 inches right now and i got him in with a blood shrimp, dozens of hermits, and a couple snails. i also have him in with a couple blue damsels a queen angel and a maroon clown. also hawkfish should not bother hermits. i have one in my other tank and has not even thought about takin one out.


i forgot to mention. i feel your pain when it comes to tangs. when i first started i went through 4 or 5 powder brown tangs before giving up on tangs. then i switched to angels and i havn't had bad luck at all with them.


Active Member
Uh, the second reply may be an unfortunate slip in this case :( as the tang that died most recently (and perhaps the others) were yellows...


There is no such thing as a hardy tang. There are some that are tougher than other tangs, but overall they are a very weak family of fish.


thanks everyone for your suggestions........no tangs though...just can't stand the thought of having a beautiful fish and then watching it die.....I just have no luck with tangs. The dwarf lion, now that's interesting.....I really love lion fish, and have been admiring them long before we did sw. I am making a list as ya'll suggest fish. I am not stocking anymore until after a few months.....get the tank darn spanking healty...in the words of a marine biologist..'for one damn day', lol...and then start again. Deal with the issues at hand right now, but I sure do appreciate the suggestions!!! Good folks, ya are!!!!


i dont know your exp, but you could keep a small butterfly in a 55
I have a larvatus butterfly(really hard fish to keep) in my 55 gallon tank with a green chromis, and clownfish, have had him about 2 yrs. i have a ehihem filter on made for a 100 gallon. so water quality is pirstene. you could try something like a peralscale butterfly, or dot and dash. if you have things like corals i would stay away though.
dwarf angels are also a great choice, i like russet, and pearl scales.
whatever you choose
good luck.

the claw

Active Member
Whatever, Its your loss. I was just trying to help you out. I met no disrespect.


Active Member
I would not add another animal to your system for a least 2 months. I think it is unstable right now based on the numerous problems and previous copper treatment. Allow it to settle and mature a little.
Angels need mature tanks...so wait a little longer.



Originally posted by ophiura
Uh, the second reply may be an unfortunate slip in this case :( as the tang that died most recently (and perhaps the others) were yellows...



Active Member
I would put angels and butterflies as no tougher in general than tangs - and perhaps more difficult in many cases.