What Fish Would Be Good With These?


Active Member
40 gallon breeder - 45 lbs of LR - 40 lbs of LS
1. Six-Line Wrasse
2. Pair of Clownfish
3. Royal Gramma
Cleaner Crew
• 10 nass snails
• 10 astrea snails
• 10 cer snails
• 20 blue leg hermit crabs
• 12 scarlet reef hermit crabs
• 3 peppermint shrimps
• 2 emerald crabs
• 1 CBS (giving to LFS)
Corals I Must Have
• Hammer Coral
• Bubble Coral
• Acropora
• Motipora
• Mushrooms
• Leather
• Clam
I want a good size fish that would get along with the corals, other fish, and the cleaner crew. I plan on giving the coral banded shrimp that is in that package (recommended for 30-50 gallons) to my LFS and im going to put the extra snails and crabs into my 75 and 12 gallon. I was origianlly going to get a dwarf angel, but they seem too risky for a reef tank.
Also I want either a blenny or goby. I originally wanted a sleeper goby but I heard they can decimate a sand bed of all the "goodness" quickly. So what do you guys suggest?


Active Member
I'd really like a wrasse or tang, but I know the tank is too small for tangs, but what about a wrasse? Any wrasse besides the six-line be good in a 40 gallon? Always wanted a banana wrasse


Active Member
Sorry i didn't understand your last post. Did you mean take the 6 line wrasse out because they eat the bristleworms?


Active Member
Originally Posted by F1shMan
Any wrasse besides the six-line be good in a 40 gallon?

Your six line might not be too happy with another wrasse...
click on the fish on this site at the top left they sell it when i bought it at my lfs they called it a red stripe angel its really pretty in person,


Active Member
Don't forget about the coral beauty! If I were you, I would 86 the gramma and get a Falco Hawkfish (really cool, no temper issues) and a coral beauty. Or some other dwarf angel. The Flame and Coral Beauty are kinda known to peck at a coral or two. THAT is why you need to look for a young (1.5 inches), HEALTHY, vibrant, TANK RAISED dwarf angel. Nice tank raised angels rarely ever pick at corals. Here is an old pic of my coral beauty.



firefish are pretty, also purple tilefish they are cool too. Or 3 blue chromis they always swim around together and cool color! Carrie


just a heads up... you have no tip of cover over you tank... so be carefull of jumpers... or get some eggcrate!


Active Member
ya, I'll get some eggcrate
New Plan: buy more rock, see if it spikes, then do wc, then add clownfish


Originally Posted by fishkiller
Don't forget about the coral beauty! If I were you, I would 86 the gramma and get a Falco Hawkfish (really cool, no temper issues) and a coral beauty. Or some other dwarf angel. The Flame and Coral Beauty are kinda known to peck at a coral or two. THAT is why you need to look for a young (1.5 inches), HEALTHY, vibrant, TANK RAISED dwarf angel. Nice tank raised angels rarely ever pick at corals. Here is an old pic of my coral beauty.
I'm totally against this, and is bad idea. :notsure: Why waste your time on this fish. They are better served in a fish only system. I know that they are cool, but not worth the trouble.
Your next post will be :
How do I get my darwf angel out my tank? :help:
Please heed this warning. :yes:
Angels love corals