What fish would yall get?


New Member
....so i am gonna buy some fish for my tank....i have.....a bicolor psudocromis,bangai cardinal, green clown goby, clown fish, some hermits,snails and an emerald crab................
imma feedin them frozen brine shrimps and pellets.....think theyll be ok (.....the clown goby is ..1/2 an inch....think hell have trouble with the crabs?)...
anyway.....what else would you recomend i buy....??
i was thinkin on ..... courtjester goby, mandarin dragonnet , longnose hawk fish, six line wrasse, maybe a couple fire fish.....dunno......what would you get,,,,,i have a 24 gallon aquapod..........


Active Member
in such a small tank I think you are pretty full. watch the bi-color psudo they can be aggresive. if you like the color of that fish i would take that one back and get a royal gramma much more social. you might get away with one more small fish like neon gobie or small sand shifter.


well our bangai died during acclimation... thats what we get for buyin a fish that just got to the store i guess... meh.. from now on ill go there one day after their fish get there...
Ill be takin it back to the store.. dead ( somehow i feel bad about doing that, but i wont get a refund otherwise)) and buy osmething else...


Active Member
The fish you mentioned will either not do well in this tank due to their eating habits{mandarin and court jester} or potentially harass your other fish due to their semi-aggressive nature{hawkfish and sixline}. Frozen brine shrimp is virtually non-nutritious, a variety of foods would be better, and use mysis shrimp as a staple instead of brine shrimp. Never buy a fish that just arrived at an LFS, give them several days at least. Most diseases which are usually brought on by stress will manifest in the first few days.


Active Member
you deffinatly shouldnt get those fish you mentiond, and right now your bioload is pretty high, MABEY you can fit 1 more small goby or something