What fish?


Active Member
sorry to break it to you but notangs int there :( . look into grammas, clowns, blennies, gobies, hawks, dwarf angels, wrasses, and some other cool stuff. tangs are always on the move so they require at least a 55 gallon tank. later, bo


Have to agree with Grouperhead on this. 38 gallon is to small for tangs. They like to swim for distance and speed. How about a pair of clowns ( I say Maroon Gold Stripe) you could also have a flame hawk.
Shel :D

nm reef

Active Member
Tangs do need the extra space to thrive.....check into wrasse's....dwarf angels...clowns....all have good color and varity.......lots of choices besides tangs..........some gobys are kewl too.........