What food/chemicals to put in tank?


New Member
Hello! I posted this on another site and really didn't get an answer to my questions so I was hoping someone here could help me out. I was wondering what exactly I should be feeding "everyone" in my tank and should I be adding all of these things together? I would think not but not sure. In the tank I have few mushrooms - "reg" and stripped, a white anemone, 2 flame scallops, a chocolate starfish, something else that is large but I'm not sure exactly what it is though I think it's a type of mushroom. Also, a very tiny feather duster and a few other unidentifiable things. There is also a nice supply of macro algae and a few assorted crabs and tiny snails and a bunch of "bugs" that hide in the rocks during the day and come out at night.
These are the chemicals and foods I have.
1. Coralife - Invertebrate Smorgasbord
2. Coralife - Iron Supplement
3. Coralife - Invertebrate Vitamin Formula
4. Coralife - Invertebrate Appetite Supplement
5. Seachem - Reef Plus
6. Seachem - Reef Calcium
7. Kent Marine - Concentrated Iodine
8. Kent Marine - Micro-Vert
9. Kent Marine - Strontium & Molybdenum
10. Kent Marine - Zoo Plex
-I really need to know if there is anything else I need in addition to these things?
-What SPECIFICALLY should I be using and how often.
- I would also like to increase my purple coraline.
-Is there something here I should not be using and Why?
I know this is asking a lot but I truly need the help. About a year ago my 130 gallon reef crashed . I had just bought it and for whatever reason after the tank and corals were moved to their "new home" EVERYTHING died. I didn't have the money to redo the tank so I sold it. Recently a lady I know gave me her approx. 50 gallon saltwater tank . Then there was an aquarium listed on an auction for a very mature reef tank with a bunch of live rocks, corals, great PC lights, 404 fluval filter, wet/dry, and a bunch of other stuff for only $200!! I bid and won the tank . I took all the parts, rocks, corals from that tank and put it in mine for an awesome set up. So now I have this truly incredible tank (at least I think so) but with my limited knowledge am SO afraid that I am going to kill everything. So if anyone can spare a few minutes and tell me out of the list of things what I should be using and how often I would truly be indebt. I would also like to thank everyone who has already answered some of my previous questions.
To see picture of my tank - click on the link belowe - if you look please feel free to make any comments or suggestions - positive, negative, neutral


I stay with a little food and saty away from all those snake oils you listed. Water changes and Ca, ALK buffers should be all you need. Spend the money on test kits.
Is that a chocolate chip starfish? That might not be the best thing for your tank.

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmm...long list of stuff to add. First thing I'd ask myself is this..."if I put this in my aquarium can I accurately test for it and what would I add this for?"If I don't have a specific reason for adding any type of suppliment I avoid it...and if I use a supplimnet of any kind I like to be able to test for it(accurately) and I'd like to know what levels need to be maintained.
I suppliment only for calcium/alkalinity/magnesium...other than that I feed an assortment of meaty/flake foods and I add DT's Phytoplankton.
Maybe it would be best to just let your system establish and mature a bit...as you gain experience things will be much easier. I looked at the pic you have posted and it looks like you got a very nice start....the water level looks low but from what I could tell you have a nice reef started. Just take your time....ask questions along the way and be patient.
Best of luck with your new reef and keep us posted on its progress.


I know it can be overwhelming when you are looking at all those bottles of chemicals. It was to me when I first started, and I am only 1 year into this. The first thing you want to do is work on your calcium and alk levels. You can do a search on this board for tables that ouline acceptable levels. I use a 2 part additive called C-Balance. You can use what you have- it will work fine. You should get a good test kit to measure these two things. Salifert makes good ones. Once you get acceptable levels for these two things, you should consider dripping kalkwasser. This keeps the levels stable for the most part.
As far as the other stuff you have, if you are not testing for it, dont add it. You can mess your tank up by adding things such as strontium and iodine if you do it blindly.
As far as food, you should feed the corals some type of phytoplankton. I recommend DT's.
The most important thing you can do IMO is water changes. At least once a month approx 15-20%. This will keep the trace elements/Iodine/Strontium at acceptable levels. As your tank uses these things, the water change replenishes these levels.
If you want to use the trace elements you bought, make sure you buy test kits and monitor the levels.
I hope that helps a bit....good luck!