What goby/bleenie should I add


Looking to add this fish next. Looking for something that would be interesting to look at, not be hidden and has a quirk. Setup is listed below.


I like the red lip blenny. I have one in my tank and he has a ton of personality. He does hide in the live rock and pops out and then dives back in. A lot of the time he will sit on top of the live rock at the highest point in my tank. Take a look at my web page if you want to see pictures of him. Let me know what you think.


Get a Sleeper Gold Head Goby, they are often called a Blue Cheek Goby for the blue stripe on their check with the yellow, they are really cool sifters, I think you would really like it. Or you could get a Yellowhead Jawfish.


I am a fan of the Bicolor myself but I think they are a little less hardy than some of the others. A far as gobies I like clown gobies and they are very easy to care for.HTH


Thanks for the info so far. I would think there would be more people chiming in on this, what about engineer gobies, or blue dot jaws etc?


an engineer goby is very interesting to watch,it will redecorate your substrate constantly by taking mouthfuls and then spitting it out where ever it is building that day,I have one now going into its third year,its been in cc and a dsb which I think it prefers,but sifting the sand so often gets the tank a little cloudy once in a while,the juveniles look like coral catfish w/o the whiskers,the adults get a whole new look...and are supposed to be very hardy


I agree with the Red Lipped Blenny. I absolutely love mine. he is the quirkiest fish i have asside from my percula. they camouflage at night and its kinda neat. definately not shy.


I have a six spotted sleeper gobly. I got him when I went on vacation and none of my lcol store have ever head of him. He is completly white with light blue spottes on his cheeks that are barely visiable he is the coolest fish and my favorite one in my tank. He eats whatever I put in the tank and is constantly rearranging the sand