What Goes On At Night In Tank!!!

I was spying on my tank tonight snad I grabbed the camera and poped a few PICS, the flash didnt faze the,
Well, My completely YELLOW TANG during the day is ALL YELLOW with just the dot on its tail.. very bright and healthy.Well I saw him at night and he has a THICK WHITZE line down his body..??.:confused: :confused: Here the PIC
If you turn the light on.. He is BRIGHT YELLOW again??:confused:
anyones elses do this??
The next PIC I post is my new Anthias... he is laying against a coral and my coral banded is in his face with his front claws pointed at him.. neither of them is moving.. LOLOL


Active Member
Yellow tangs will tend to fade towards time for night and the white line shows up, totally normal. Mine starts it right before lights go out. I'd need to research to be sure but I think I remember that it is for camo. while they are sleeping. BTW your new fish is beautiful:D


Active Member
i've never heard of a fish 'bleaching itself' (as some people call it) before the lights go out. Most fish will lose its color when the lights fade mostly because of the lack of light (their skin needs light to be bright)... neways, deep down it is a way for camo. It's like playign manhunt... would u rather where gray or bright yellow? Personally, i would pick gray. BUt my point is is that it is a defense mechanism that the fish can't control, when the lights fade they lose color and thus get protected from predators. It's all natural. (i probably could have said this entire post in five words and yet i am still typing)
my tang does it also escpeccially when i dim the lights/ when i went on a trip me brother in law left the light on 24 hrs a day for 5 days and boy the tang was really ugly. i turned the light out and the next day he was bright yelloe again.
Thanks for the posts.. I feel better now..:D Was hoping he wasnt getting some sort of lateral line errosion...
How about the Coral banded holding the anthias hostage??
Thanks, Kim


Active Member
that's a quesiton only the pet doctor on animal planet can answer for u. (u know, the one that 'speaks' with animals?)
The coral banded are supposed to perform cleaning functions like a cleaner shrimp. I caught mine holding my coral beauty (the fish was not struggling to get away) in its largest claws during the day time. I got mine from Wilman, who we never see on here anymore. He bought the cbs to get rid of ich on his coral beauty.


My color of my tang also fades when the lights are out. Almost to a point where he looks like he's very ill. During the day, he is a vibrant yellow and very healthy.


My yellow tang does the same thing. The middle of his body turns a brwonish color but after a few minutes of the light being on he is as yellow as the sun.
Really neat stuff.
I am finally ICH free and have happy healthy fishies....
Took a long time and the tank is doing well, so I figured WHAT NOW! LOL
Thanks a bnch, Kim


Hey Kim--have you had any problems with your cbs? I think they are really cool, I just worry about the stories you hear about them from time to time. Thanks.
No, My CBS is totally awesome.. He was the very FIRST thing I put in the tank... He is always hanging upside down under a rock... I have Never seen him bother anyone, till I saw this one night..
BUT.. My anthias' fins are all fine, NO NIPPING so he did NO harm... In fact, I really wanted a dogface puffer BUT he might eat my CBS so I didnt get him.. thats how much I like him... Oh, and he is like a flag., very patriotic... red, white and BLUE..:D