What Goes with a Lion Fish


I'm thinking about getting some sort of lion fish, not sure yet what type. But my question is, I don't just want a Lion. What other types of life can be placed in the tank where everybody will leave each other alone? I'm thinking of getting either a 55 or a 75 gallon tank. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

jonny bolt

I have a 40 gallon with a Dwarf Lion. He was the 4th fish introduced. Fish starting in order of introduction...
1.) Tank Raised Maroon Clown
2.) Atlantic Pygmy Angel
3.) Goby (the LFS called it a "Decorative Goby", but I am unable to find any pics of it that match so I am unsure which type it is exactly)
4.) Dwarf Lion
5.) Saddle Valentini Puffer
All the fish get along fine. The Atlantic Pygmy will sometimes swim backwards into the Goby, trying to "shoo" it away from the LR, but the Goby doesnt care one bit. I expected the Angel to do that though, as they are known for "taking over" the rock structure in aquariums. Things are great though, a great community with some real personalities :)


You can put a dwarf lion or a anntenea lion in a 55. 75 you can probably put a V-Lion for now and then you'll have to upgrade. If you want to get a lionfish. You might needa get agreessive fish and you'll need a bigger tank like a 125 or so .. You will be able to keep Triggers and Hawkfish and other agressive fish ..
Good Luck.
If you want a lion you will never be able to keep small fish ..


Thanks for the info. Let's say I went to a bigger tank like a 125.... and I might be getting a little outrageous here.. but I'm brainstorming.. and still fairly new at all this... what about Octopus, eels, or maybe sharks? Maybe a little much to ask or impossible in one tank.


eels-yes, even in a 75 i would see no reason why not (thats jsut my opinion)
sharks-yes, but more like in 180g+ tanks
other ideas could be things like tangs, squiralfish, porcupine puffer, large clowns, large damsels (domino), etc.


i agree with Jon. When you get lionfish. Esp. big ones cross out a lot of fish that can be in your tank.
IMO I like small fish. :hilarious

duke jjz

With my V Lion I have a large Maroon Clown, a Yellow Tang, a Cuban Hog and a Panther grouper. Lions pretty much go with anything as long as they cant fit it in their mouths - or else they will eat it!


lions are beautiful additions but u cant let them fool u.i "had" a orange prawn about 3 1/2" that always hide in this one cave. the other morning i went to feed my lion n i noticed he had something in his mouth already. only to notice it was my orange prawn going down head first. i paniced for a min because the fish was obviously to big for the lion to eat but hes still alive so im guessin he was able to swallow him down with out too much trouble.also i have a niger trigger with a coral beauty angel n a golden head goby that just hangout .he doesnt mess with anyone nor does anyone mess with him.i also noticed my cleaner shrimp pickin at the liion the other day. i thought it was rather strange myself....


lion fish, even dwarfs have really big mouths, mine will actually grab the end of the turkey baster, and there would probably room for two. The lion is a juvenile. He never bothers the other fish, never has. I have a mandarin goby, a scooter blenny, lawnmower blenny, two clowns and a blue damsel.
He is a really cool fish to have, when he can see that I'm at the aquarium, he goes to the top and swims upside down anticipating a meal. I have read that they can eat themselves to death, that they will over eat if given the chance, but I don't know if that's true or not. I do, however, think he is just the coolest fish I have.


Originally Posted by Jon321
eels-yes, even in a 75 i would see no reason why not (thats jsut my opinion)
sharks-yes, but more like in 180g+ tanks
other ideas could be things like tangs, squiralfish, porcupine puffer, large clowns, large damsels (domino), etc.
Why not an octopus? I have an octopus that I keep in a large sized plastic container within one of my bigger tanks and she's awesome. She's probobly the coolest pets I've ever had, shes also extremely intelligent. There not very hard to take care of either, just make sure that water conditions are good and its being fed right.


Active Member
Octopi, IMO, deserve to be in their own species specific system. They do have special requirements if put into a tank. I suppose you could just put it in a box, but that may not be what people are interested in seeing in a tank.
I would say eels yes, but sharks no. Even if you got a 180g tank, a bamboo would eventually be a bit cramped. No other types of sharks remotely suitable for it, IMO.


Active Member
the reason why people are syaing no to an octo is that they are trying to find tankmates, while an octo will eat any other fish or inverts. But they are realy cool!
Jonny Bolt: Your valentini and dwarf get along well? I would like to put a fuzzy or a fu manchu in my 29 with a valentini and a dimond goby as my last fish but have heard some bad thigns with puffers and lions. I have also heard some good. Any opinions?