what happen to my long horn cowfish?


My long horn cowfish bit the dush today...I am kinda sad since he was my favorite fish. Anyways, what happened? My water is fine all readings are below the norms. The only thing I can think of is, it has been really hot lately and the water had been around 84-85 for 2 days. None of the other fish seem to be showing signs of distress? What gives? Are cowfish super sensitive to temp change?


Active Member
Cowfish do not take change real well, but shouldn't die by a slight temperature raise in a tank they are acclimated to. The only thing that I can think of is that in warmer water, there is less dissolved oxygen than in colder water, and maybe he was having trouble getting adaquete oxygen (but you would expect to see him huddled at the top of the tank before he died). I would recommend doing a water change though, because cowfish can release a toxin when they die.