What happen when split?


ok now honestly i have benver split a bubble coral before. It is about 7 inches and the guy at the lfs told me that its gonna split like in a day or so. Now does the coral split by it self? or do you have to aid?
also i will try and put some pics up later


Active Member
Are you talking about a bubble coral or a bubble tip anemone? Im confused, bubble tip anemones like all anemones will split. But bubble corals grow larger, they utilize calcium carbonates to form their stony structure and their fleshy part expands into it. You can frag it by cutting through the corals stoney base splitting the mouth but it has to be done manually.


well it is a bubble coral (so i think that is what i was told) and it has a HUGE split right down middle of the live rock and the bubble coral it self is starting to split also.........so i really dont nko what it is then.....i thought it was a bubble coral i got some pics gimme like 10 minutes they will be up


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21
well it is a bubble coral (so i think that is what i was told) and it has a HUGE split right down middle of the live rock and the bubble coral it self is starting to split also.........so i really dont nko what it is then.....i thought it was a bubble coral i got some pics gimme like 10 minutes they will be up
no need if its on a stone base it is most likley a bubble coral. When the flesh part finally spilts you can split the stone portion and you will have 2.


Active Member
Some times a coral like this could of been larger at one time. For reasons unknown part of it could of died off. So what was a double head on a double skeletal piece would retract to one. If and when the coral starts to recover and grow it can spread to the area that it once inhabited before. Just a guess, I cant really tell from the pics. It appears to undergo a split.