What Happened to MichaelTX?


Active Member
I guess the same place Journey disappeared to. If I recall, Michael had some medical issues he was dealing with. I imagine Beth and.or Sep have been keeping in touch with him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I guess the same place Journey disappeared to. If I recall, Michael had some medical issues he was dealing with. I imagine Beth and.or Sep have been keeping in touch with him.
Journey started working overseas.


Active Member
If it is anything like the "traveling" work I've done, he doesn't' have time to get on the interweb.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
If it is anything like the "traveling" work I've done, he doesn't' have time to get on the interweb.
If it's the same "traveling" I've done where he's at, he could if he wanted to. But come on, he disappeared from here almost a year and a half ago. If he wanted to drop in and say Hi, I'm sure he's had plenty of opportunities to do so.


Active Member
Maybe he died. I know he was having health issues and last time he came back from not being online, it was because he was in the hospital.


Active Member
I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed, but after 5 minutes on the web, I found his email address, emailed him and found his facebook profile, sending an add friend request. His email didn't get bounced back to me which means it's still active. His facebook didn't have a picture and he had 27 friends.
His last login to SWF was on June 8, 2009 - over a year ago.
This was a guy who was actively on here every day. I hope sepulatian may know a little more about what's going on.


Active Member
If this forum wasn't so damn drained I'd say there should be at least 2 new mods. At it's present status 1 or 2 can handle it!
Mods come and go just like the regulars do!