What happened to my Candy Cane


hey gang hows it going, my candy cane overnight looks like crapola! dont know what happened everything else in tank looks great, and out of no where it just looks bad! ill post before an after pics...



Active Member
It may be reacting to something it doesn't really like. Or did those heads just catcgh something and are eating? Mine close up tight when i feed 'em. Could be many things. First knee jerk reaction is , test parameters, do a water change and then run some fresh carbon. Might not be much of anything to worry about. It will close up from time to time. As long as it doesn't do it for more than a few days at a time. There are a couple heads that are really closed tight. So keep a close eye on em. How long have they been this way? Are the tight heads completely white and skeletal looking? Or do they still have all their teal color?


Active Member
could be in the process of splitting. alot of corals look like crap momentarily and recover. give it a few days before getting worried.


New Member
Its ok its going to happen many time ....any time some thing walks on it eating diff water flow many thing.