What happened to my ClownFish??


This guy was fine a few hours ago and now it is all whacked looking. The other clown in the tank looks fine.



My wife feed some food sample we got from the LFS since our other Clown won't eat anything. It is called MarineGro Medium Granules from Red Sea. Did he have some allergic reaction to the food?


Active Member
We need more specifics. How long have you had him and how long has your tank been set up? What are your water parameters?


Had him for atleast a month now. The water parm. I have atm is Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Amo 0.1 PH 8.3 KH 140mg(nutrafin test) Sal 1.026 Tank has been running since Mar 03 this year.


No covers on the intakes he stays away from those. And no Anenomes just Ricordia and some mushrooms.


Active Member
It looks battered by the other clown. How close in size are they? One should be larger than the other.


The other one is bigger and no they are not a mated pair we lost the other clown that came with him. So should we get rid of the bigger one and try another clown?


Well when I got home from work yesterday he looks fine with no discolor any where. There is nothing for them to host yet in the tank. I really wonder if it was the food. :/


Active Member
probably just a dominance issue, and as long as it hasn't continued it should be fine. same thing happened to me a couple months back and now it looks like they are getting ready to spawn.


I was told by my lfs that if you add a clown to a tank with an existing clown already in it, it could be trouble. they told me if you want two, buy them at the same time from the same tank at the lfs and give back or trade the one u already own. NOTE: this is what i was told, i am not saying this is an absolute fact, but they have been very good to me to this point with their info.