what happened to the shark?


Active Member
I went to the LFS today and they had a baby banded cat that was covered in red. It looked like its blood vessels were exploding. It started to cough, then rolled over and started to twitch, than it died. Whatever it was it was deffinately a bacteria that attacked the nervous and respiratory system. Any idea what it was and what could be done to cure it? How can it be removed from the system?


Active Member
sounds like it had bad water quality and low water circulation(lack of oxygenation) the comination of the 2 can be detrimental and a very slow death


Active Member
The guy in the store said it happened over night so it wasnt a slow death. There was decent water flow. His entire body had red spots all over it .


Active Member
well shark have very high imunity to alot of diseases other fish fall pray to very quickly.this is not something that just happens over nite not severe redending at least most fish will show slight reddening in areas and they gradually grow if conditions are not corrected.I highly doubt any LFS would say oh yeh we just forgot to keep his tank up properly or we didnt know what to do with it.if you know what I mean.could have been high ammonia and nitrates improper ph any thing realy but i would dare to say it was water related.


Active Member
but why did he have the red spots? i have seen fish die of poor water conditions that didnt have their hearts explode lol.


Active Member
thats a sign of lack of oxygen in sharks and rays.when they lack proper levels of oxygen blood vessels start to errupt .kinda like when we hold our breath for lengths of time or faces turn red until oxygen is restored.if none is given in time we die


Active Member
oh you are good. very good. thank you very much. It killed me to watch him die so im gonna go to the store today and smack them around and have them put some power heads across the surface. Thank you very very much.