What Happened?!?


Okie dokie, here's the deal. On Wednesday I got a purple firefish, he was pretty small but none the less he was doing really well. Within a couple hours of him being in the tank he came out and even started eatting. Thursday and Friday he did the same thing, eatting and swimming even going in and out of my dead coral. Then Friday evening when I came home from a movie he was not out, which was fine he always went under a rock at night. But then Saturday morning he did come out to eat like he normally did, and I didn't see him all day Saturday. Same thing again today, so when I came home from church I lifted up the rock he liked to go under and there he was, dead. I don't understand what happened!! I was thinking maybe he was picked on in the pet store because he was so small and just got so stressed out. If you guys have any idea what could have happened please let me know!! Thanks.


Active Member
What other fish do you have? Could have been something harrasing it. My damnsels harrass mine.


Maybe it might have been the accllimaton process might have been too abrupt. It takes about three or four days for a fish to die after being subjected to being introduced to new SW that is different than what its' self is used to... messes with their internal organs.